Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Contact Sheet

As our first assignment, we had to do a project using photoshop. This really scared me, because I had never used photoshop before, I'd never even heard of DPI. I was going crazy trying to figure everything out, but suddenly, as we kept going, it started to make sense. The further we got in the assignment the easier it got. One night I went to the mac lab to work on the project and was going insane. I suddenly couldn't remember how to do anything. I had my notes with me, but they weren't as detailed as I needed them to be. The thing that I struggled with the most was making a picture Duotone. For the life of me I couldn't remember what to do to make the Duotone button show up. I was freaking out by myself and was about ready to pull my hair out until it clicked. If I striped the color from the image and made it black and white then I could add color to it. When I saw that this worked I was about to jump up for joy. I was so excited that I was able to figure it out. The other problem I had was with some of my picture choices. When I put them into photoshop and made them 300 DPI they would become blurry. I had so many that were like this that I was running out of choices. Luckily, I had more than six pictures on my flash drive. Despite all the problems, this assignment was not as bad as I thought it would be once I got the hang of it. I found that I actually like using photoshop and I think its a really helpful tool to have if you like playing around with pictures.

This is a close up of my favorite image from the contact sheet. I think the texture and shading make it look amazing.

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